Living in a Condo: The Benefits of Urban Living


If you’re looking for a new place to call home, you may want to consider living in a condo. Condos like Forma Condo have become increasingly popular in recent years, and there are many benefits to living in one. Not convinced? Maybe we can get into some of the top reasons why condos are a great choice for urban living to help convince you. Let’s go.

You Got Protection

cameraHave you seen the news lately? Everyone’s been committing crimes in major cities like Toronto, Calgary, and Ottawa to the point that local law enforcement is struggling to keep up.

But, if you live in a condo, you have the benefit of security guards and a doorman who can help protect you and your home. That’s not to say that crimes don’t happen in condos, but it’s much easier for law-abiding citizens to feel safe when they have someone looking out for them.

Not to mention, there are security cameras, fingerprint scanners, and other high-tech security features in many condos that help to deter criminals.

You Have More Privacy

Another great thing about living in a condo is that you have more privacy than living in an apartment. In an apartment, your neighbors are right next to you and can hear everything that goes on in your home. But, in a condo, your neighbors are below or above you, so there’s more of a buffer between you and them.

Plus, if you have guests over, they can come and go without walking through a shared space like in an apartment. This is especially beneficial if you have young children who need to be supervised when visitors come over.

You Can Have More Space

While some people may think that condos are small and cramped, that’s not always the case. Sure, some studio apartments are turned into condos, but larger units are also available.

For example, Forma Condo has one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom units available. So, if you need more space, you can definitely find a condo that will fit your needs. And, since condos are usually taller than apartment buildings, there’s often more vertical space to work with as well.

You Have More Amenities

gymWhen you live in a condo, you have access to amenities that you wouldn’t otherwise have. For instance, Forma Condo has a fitness center, a rooftop deck, and a business center that residents can use.

Some condos also have pools, hot tubs, saunas, and other recreational facilities that you can enjoy. Plus, since condo buildings are usually located in urban areas, you’re often close to restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. As you can see, there are many benefits to living in a condo.

If you’re looking for a safe, private, and spacious place to call home, a condo may be right. So, what are you waiting for? Start your search for the perfect condo today. Who knows, you may just fall in love with urban living.

Why Young Canadian Families Prefer Condo Living

condo buildingsWith increasing urbanization, condos are becoming the preferred option of living in Canada. This is probably the reason why buildings such as 25 Mabelle condos are fast coming up in most Canadian cities. Young Canadian families, in particular, are known to have a key interest in condo living over other living in single-family homes. Some of the reasons behind this trend are highlighted below.

Proximity to Workplace

A majority of young families rely on employment as their source of income. This means that they have to consider the cost of commuting to work when choosing where to live. Due to increased population, finding a stand-alone home in the cities is not easy. A majority of the condos are built close to the cities, which makes it convenient for employed people.

Proximity to Public Amenities

A majority of condos are usually located close to public amenities such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and banks, among others. Living in such condos means that you can access such amenities quite easily. A young family with children still going to school, for example, will prefer living in a condo that is located close to the preferred school. Given how young families enjoy attending social events and entertainment centers, being close to social gathering places comes as an added advantage.

Hands-Off Maintenance

The building company usually handles the maintenance and upkeep of condo buildings. This means that the residents do not have to worry about maintenance except inside their houses. It helps to save time and effort, which is a lot more important for young families who always have other more pressing commitments. The residents have to pay condo fees which cater to the maintenance of the condo building, among other things. The amount of condo fee varies among different condo buildings.

Type of Lifestyle

The kind of lifestyle that condos offer is the most preferable for young families in Canada. You get a hotel-like experience without the extremely high costs of hotels. For example, you can enjoy facilities such as gyms, swimming pool, and conference rooms which are shared among the residents of the condo building. Sharing the facilities among many people makes the overall cost to be a lot cheaper.

Family Size

The young families in Canada usually consist of a few members. This eliminates the need for having big houses. Condo units are a perfect choice for such families. Different condos have different sizes and number of rooms. The many options available in Canada allows you to choose what suits your needs the most.

A Guide to Buying a Condo in Toronto


It is not a secret that Toronto’s real estate is booming. As a matter of fact, a significant number of individuals including foreigners are investing in the city’s real estate. Many of them are in the process of buying a condo unit. It is important to note though that whether you are Canadian resident or non-resident, it is paramount that you do a little homework before making a buying decision. Keep on reading because we are about to highlight some factors to consider when planning to buy a condo unit in Toronto.



It should be the first factor to be considered when you are planning to buy a condominium in Toronto. Keep in mind that this city is one of the most expensive cities in Canada. That said, it is expected that the prices of real estate properties here are more expensive compared to other parts of the country. On an average, condominiums located in a prime location in Toronto have a starting price of $1000 a foot. Of course, the prices can vary depending on a couple of things such as the amenities available. Nonetheless, it is imperative to put your finances in order before even thinking about owning a condominium in this part of the planet. It is also important to put other possible expenses into account. This pertains to expenditures like association fees.


It is the reason why condominiums have higher price tags compared to other real estate properties. The truth is that many condo owners decided to buy their condo units because of the available facilities. That said, Make sure that the condominium of choice has the facilities that you want.  Not to mention that the condo must feature state of the art security. Although it is important to note that condominiums with a lot of amenities to offer are sure to be more expensive compared to those that have limited amenities.


CONDOS It is paramount to make sure that you choose a condominium that is situated in a prime location. Do not mind that fact that the price is higher because there is a reason behind it. See to it that the condominium is near public establishments like restaurants. That is not all; it is also important to ensure that the condo is located in a civilized neighborhood.


This pertains to how the developers constructed the condominium. See to it that the condo has been built to the highest standards. That said, make an effort to find out the developers. Do a little research about the company that was contracted to build the condominium. Having an idea of whom the company hired to build the condo will surely help you weigh your options.


Owning a condominium unit in Toronto is excellent. It has tons of advantages. It is important to remember though that you can only take advantage of the benefits if you can choose the right condominium. That said, make sure to put an emphasis on the factors mentioned above.




The Process of Buying a Condominium in Canada


The prestige that comes along with the process of buying a condominium can be quite overwhelming. This is no easy feat and requires one to follow a sensitive process especially in Canada. As has been the case since time immemorial, there has been some paperwork involved. This is, especially, for the purpose of credibility. An order has to be followed at all times for all deals to go through smoothly. If you are going to buy a condo for the first time ever, you might want to check with an expert first.

Identify your preferred condo

CondominiumsYou have probably gone through the awkward moment of walking into a supermarket with no idea of what exactly you are buying. That is how it feels when you want to buy a condo but have no clue which one. First things first, identify your dream condo then move to other pressing issues. You can identify it through the online platform which leaves you spoiled for choices. A look at all the designs will leave you lost for words.

Work with the experts

The condo buying business is quite a sensitive one. A little slumber might leave you vulnerable especially to cons. Which is why you need to take every step with the experts. Allow the licensed dealers to hold your hands and show you the way. This way, you can rest assured that you will never lose track of your ideal condo destination. Proven experts will ensure that you get just what you deserve.

Official documentation

You can never go wrong with this because it is the sole reason that serious partners do business together. Have somewhere that can mention you as the rightful owner of the condominium in question. In case of any arising dispute, you will have an official document to fall back on. You can have two copies; keep the original one and use the other to do business.

Take the deal

HousingThen comes the most sensitive part of buying a condominium. Negotiating prices and finally coming to an agreement. Many have bought condos and can attest to the fact that they have had a series of challenges to overcome. Key being the part where they have to put on their best cap for the negotiation part. It was never easy and never ended without a drop of sweat. Nowadays, easier terms have been embraced and condominium owners couldn’t be happier.

Keep the keys

After all the necessary steps have been put in place, you are finally able to dangle the keys in your hands proudly. You are the undisputed owner of a brand new condominium.

Best Tips When Purchasing Homes in Toronto


It is the dream of everyone to own a home. This is critical because the shelter is one of the basic needs of human beings. Purchasing a home is equally challenging especially if you have never bought a home. You need to inform on the same so that you make the right decisions as far as the purchase of the home is concerned. This article looks at various things to consider when you are purchasing a home in Toronto;


wishlistOne of the things to look for when purchasing a home in Toronto is your wish list. What is it on your wish list as far as the purchase of the home is concerned?

Establish your needs as far as the buying of the home is concerned. Make a list and outline some of the features that you must have in a home and those which are willing to compromise on. You will narrow down your house search to the houses that will perfectly fit your needs.

Down payment

Purchasing a house is never a mean achievement because of the cost that is associated with buying a house. Most people buy a house on by making a down payment and then paying monthly for the remaining time. If this is your arrangement, then ensure that you have at least 20 percent of the total cost. If you can, however, manage to pay the full amount then you can proceed and do that. Also, note that what you save might be slightly less than the amount that you will end up spending in buying the house.

Closing costs

The closing costs are the other factors that you have to consider whenever you are purchasing homes in Toronto. Always remember that the closing costs will be between 1.5 and 3.5 percent of the total cost of the house. Some of the costs that you may incur include the legal fees, property transfer fees, home inspection fees, title insurance, land transfer tax, and appraisal tax just but to mention a few.

Approval for your mortgage

approvalAnother important factor to consider when purchasing a home in Toronto is ensuring that you get approved for your mortgage. This is crucial especially if you do not have cash in advance.

After you establish how much you can afford for the down payment, you can go ahead and apply for a mortgage. Getting a pre-approved mortgage will give you an advantage over other interested buyers who want to buy your property.


Some of The Things That Real Estate Agents in Toronto Won’t Tell You

real estate

The real estate industry is gaining in popularity. People are buying houses, selling land, and developing properties. All this fall under real estate. Just like the other professions, the real estate is handled by professionals.

This explains why many people use real estate agents when they want to buy or sell property in Toronto. It is recommended that you comprehend the services that are offered by the real estate agents so that you understand their roles and yours.


document One of the things to note as far as the real estate agents are concerned is that they are paid through commissions. They are usually paid between 5% and 40% depending on how they are good they are in negotiating.

One thing you should know is that these commissions are negotiable. The real estate agents in Toronto offer various services depending on how much they are paid. Once you hand over your property to an agent, he may choose to advertise them on print media or social media.


Whenever you are selling your property through a real estate agent, you will need to agree with him first. Before you do anything, make sure that everything you agree with him is put into writing. Make sure that you enlist the services of a lawyer when you are drafting and signing the agreements. The agreement will help protect both you and the agent in the even one of you refuse to meet his end of the bargain.

Open houses

If you want to sell your house quickly through a real estate agent in Toronto, then make it open. Open houses work best for the agents since they quickly get clients. One benefit of having the open houses for your real estate agents is that they can meet the potential buyers and show them the property without involving you.

Many people cannot buy property without seeing them first. You will be assured of maintaining the conditions of your home if you hand it over to a real estate agent since he will ensure that only the potential buyers access your property.

Great investment

great investment If you are an investor, then the real estate is a great industry that you should consider investing in. As a buyer of a property, you should make sure that the proceeds you get from your property can cater for all the cots like the taxes, mortgage payment, and insurance just but to mention a few. A professional real estate agent in Toronto will highlight the same for you.